Theses (5)
Corina Keller, Generalized character varieties and quantization via factorization homology, [theses.fr] [TEL]. Defended on Feb. 3, 2023.
Albin Grataloup, Derived symplectic reduction and equivariant geometry, [theses.fr][arXiv]. Defended on Dec. 16, 2022.
Pelle Steffens, Derived differential geometry. Defended on Oct. 4, 2022.
Eric Berry, Additivity of factorization algebras and the cohomology of real grassmannians, [link]. Defended on April 2021.
Timothy Hosgood, Chern classes of coherent analytic sheaves: a simplicial approach, [TEL]. Defended on June 25, 2020.
Published Papers (15)
Damien Calaque, Derived symplectic geometry, [arXiv].
Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics (second edition) vol 3, 2025, 697-703
Tristan Bozec, Damien Calaque & Sarah Scherotzke, Relatives critical loci and quiver moduli, [arXiv].
Annales Scientifiques de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure 57 (2024), no. 2, 553-614.
Joost Nuiten, On straightening for Segal spaces, [arXiv].
Compositio Mathematica 160 (2024), no. 3, 586-656.
Albin Grataloup, A derived lagrangian fibration on the derived critical locus, [arXiv].
Journal de l'Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu 23 (2024), no. 1, 311-345.
Timothy Hosgood, Simplicial Chern-Weil theory for coherent analytic sheaves, part II, [arXiv].
Manuscripta Mathematica 173 (2024), 925-960.
Damien Calaque & Martin Gonzalez, Ellipsitomic associators, [arXiv].
Mémoires de la Société Mathématique de France 179 (2023), x+79p.
Rune Haugseng, Fabian Hebestreit, Sil Linskens & Joost Nuiten, Two-variable fibrations, factorisation systems and \infty-categories of spans, [arXiv].
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 11 (2023), e111.
Rune Haugseng, Fabian Hebestreit, Sil Linskens & Joost Nuiten, Lax monoidal adjunctions, two-variable fibrations and the calculus of mates, [arXiv].
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 127 (2023), no. 4, 889-957.
Tristan Bozec, Damien Calaque & Sarah Scherotzke, Calabi-Yau structures on (quasi-)bisymplectic algebras, [arXiv].
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 11 (2023), e87.
Tristan Bozec & Stéphane Gaussent, MV polytopes and masures, [arXiv].
Journal of Lie Theory 33 (2023), no. 3, 719-746.
Timothy Hosgood, Simplicial Chern-Weil theory for coherent analytic sheaves, part I, [arXiv].
Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 151 (2023), no. 1, 127-170.
Corina Keller & Lukas Müller, Finite symmetries of quantum character stacks, [arXiv].
Theory and Applications of Categories 39 (2023), no. 3, 51-97.
Tristan Bozec, Damien Calaque & Sarah Scherotzke, Calabi-Yau structures for multiplicative preprojective algebras, [arXiv].
Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 17 (2023), no. 3, 783-810.
Mathieu Anel & Damien Calaque, Shifted symplectic reduction of derived critical loci, [arXiv].
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 26 (2022), no. 6, 1543-1583.
Damien Calaque, Ricardo Campos & Joost Nuiten, Moduli problems for operadic algebras, [arXiv].
Journal of the London Mathematical Society 106 (2022), no. 4, 3450-3544.
Accepted Papers (4)
Damien Calaque & Victor Roca i Lucio, Associators from an operadic point of view, [arXiv].
To appear in "Higher structures and operadic calculus", Advanced Courses in Mathematics CRM Barcelona, Birkhauser.
Ricardo Campos & Albin Grataloup, Operadic deformation theory, [arXiv].
To appear in "Higher structures and operadic calculus", Advanced Courses in Mathematics CRM Barcelona, Birkhauser.
Damien Calaque, Rune Haugseng & Claudia Scheimbauer, The AKSZ construction in derived algebraic geometry as an extended topological field theory, [arXiv].
To appear in Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society.
Lukas Brantner, Ricardo Campos & Joost Nuiten, PD operads and explicit partition Lie algebras, [arXiv].
To appear in Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society.
Preprints (17)
Tristan Bozec, Damien Calaque & Sarah Scherotzke, Topological field theories associated with Calabi-Yau categories [arXiv].
Damien Calaque & Victor Carmona, Algebras over not too little discs [arXiv]
Eilind Karlsson, Corina Keller, Lukas Müller & Ján Pulmann, Deformation quantization via categorical factorization homology [arXiv].
Damien Calaque & Pavel Safronov, Shifted cotangent bundles, symplectic groupoids and deformation to the normal cone [arXiv].
Pelle Steffens, Representability of elliptic moduli problems in derived C^{\infty}-geometry, [arXiv].
Damien Calaque, Giovanni Felder, Gabriele Rembado & Richard Wentworth, Wild orbits and generalised singularity modules: stratifications and quantisation [arXiv].
Tristan Bozec, Maxime Fairon & Anne Moreau, Functorial constructions related to double Poisson vertex algebras, [arXiv].
Pelle Steffens, Derived C^{\infty}-geometry I: Foundations, [arXiv].
Hiraoki Karuo & Julien Korinman, Classification of semi-weight representations of reduced stated skein algebras, [arXiv].
David Kern, Monoidal envelopes and Grothendieck construction for dendroidal Segal objects, [arXiv].
Hiraoki Karuo & Julien Korinman, Azumaya loci of skein algebras, [arXiv].
Julien Korinman & Jun Murakami, Relating quantum character varieties and skein modules, [arXiv].
David Kern, Etienne Mann, Cristina Manolache & Renata Picciotto, Derived moduli of sections and push-forwards, [arXiv].
Damien Calaque, Ricardo Campos & Joost Nuiten, Lie algebroids are curved Lie algebras, [arXiv].
Yonathan Harpaz, Joost Nuiten & Matan Prasma, On k-invariants for (\infty,n)-categories,
Damien Calaque & Martin Gonzalez, A moperadic approach to cyclotomic associators, [arXiv].
David Carchedi & Pelle Steffens, On the universal property of derived manifolds, [arXiv].
Recorded Talks (13)
21 September 2023, Damien Calaque, Shifted symplectic reduction, [youtube].
18 July 2023, Damien Calaque, Relative critical loci, Calabi-Yau completions, and a lagrangian in the Hilbet scheme of the plane, [youtube].
4 July 2023, Damien Calaque, Shifted symplectic reduction, [youtube].
14 September 2022, Damien Calaque, Comparing Calabi-Yau and quasi-bisymplectic structures on multiplicative preprojective algebras, [youtube].
7 June 2022, Damien Calaque, Vertex models and E_n-algebras, [link].
8 November 2021, Albin Grataloup, A derived geometric perspective on the BV complex, [youtube].
22 October 2021, Corina Keller, Twisted character varieties and quantization via factorization homology, [link].
16 July 2021, Pelle Steffens, Field theory from a derived geometric perspective: global elliptic moduli problems, [youtube].
16 July 2021, Albin Grataloup, A derived geometric perspective on the BV construction, [youtube].
21 May 2021, Damien Calaque, Vertex models and E_n-algebras: upside down renormalization, [link].
14 May 2021, Joost Nuiten, Lie algebroids as curved Lie algebras, [youtube].
1 September 2020, Timothy Hosgood, Simplicial Chern-Weil theory for coherent analytic sheaves, [youtube].
2 June 2020, Timothy Hosgood, Connections and curvature, [youtube].